- CTK-030325-02 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30mL
- CTK-030325-01 PCRX Sapphire Tincture 30mL
- CTK-012025-02 Mixed Berry 10ct THC FREE Gummy
- CTK-012025-01 Goodnight Grape 10ct Gummy
- CTK-011625-04 ADRX NaPalm
- CTK-011625-02 PCRX Trial Hemp Balm
- CTK-011625-02 PCRX Hemp Balm 500mg 2oz
- CTK-011625-01 Satavet Equine Tincture 60mL
- CTK-011625-01 Satavet Tincture 60mL
- CTK-011625-01 Satavet Tincture 30mL
- CTK-120624-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30mL
- CTK-110224-03 Watermelon Pyramid Gummy
- CTK-102224-01 Goodnight Grape 10ct Gummy
- CTK-101024-02 Passion Fruit Pyramid Gummy
- CTK-021924-01 PCRX Gold Tincture 30mL
- CTK-120624-02 PCRX Soft Gels 30ct
- CTK-110124-06 Berry Punch THC -FREE Gummies
- CTK-112822-03 PCRX Gold Tincture 30mL
- CTK-121923-05 Pineapple Bliss THC FREE Gummies
- CTK-091224-04 Cherry Lime-Aid Gummies
- CTK-090324-01 Goodnight Grape Gummies
- CTK-082724-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- MT-080124 BiomeMax Cardio Cleanse
- CTK-080624-01 Clarity & Focus Capsules
- MT-080123 BiomeMax Bio-Active Prostate Plus
- MT-120623 BiomeMax Bio-Active Rewind
- MT-120423 BiomeMax Bio-Active Cardio Cleanse
- MT-90823 BiomeMax Bio-Active Immune Support
- MT-120723 BiomeMax Bio-Active Bounce Back Joint Support
- CTK-051524-01-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-071124-03 Green Apple Gummies
- CTK-071124-02 Tangerine Burst Gummies
- CTK-071124-01 Goodnight Grape Gummies
- CTK-040324-03 Green Apple Gummies
- CTK-011624-01 Passionfruit Gummies
- 2405037 Mentholated Roll-On
- CTK-041724-01 Goodnight Grape Gummies
- 2401033 Roll Call Mentholated Roll-On 1000mg
- 042224725V Gooseberry Drink Mix-Microbial testing
- 2308072 BiomeShield Pet Bug Spray 8oz Microbial testing
- 2307034 BiomeShield Pet Bug Spray 2oz Microbial testing
- 2307033 BiomeShield People Bug Spray Microbial testing
- 2304040 BiomeShield Sunscreen Microbial testing
- MT-101624 Colloidal Copper
- CTK-102823-01 Active Duty Clarity & Focus Capsules 30ct
- 2311036 1000mg Roll-On
- CTK-111423-01 PCRX Trial Balm
- CTK-102423-01 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- 11123 BiomeMax Humiv/Fulvic Mineral Blend
- CTK-091923-04 Cherry Limeaid Gummies
- CTK-091923-03 Green Apple Gummie
- CTK-091923-02 Tangerine Burst Gummies
- CTK-091923-01 Goodnight Grape Gummies
- CTK-082523-01 EyeDentify Serum 15ml
- 2308016- Roll Call CBD Roll-On 1000mg-Microbial Report
- 2308016 Roll Call CBD Roll-On 1000mg-Potency
- CTK-080323-02 PCRX Hemp Balm 500mg 2oz
- CTK-080323-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-073123-01-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-062123-01 PCRX Soft Gels 30ct
- CTK-060223--04 Cherry Lime-Aid Gummies 10ct
- CTK-060223-03 Apple Gummies 10ct
- CTK-060223-01 Grape Gummies 10ct
- CTK-060223-02 Tangerine Burst Gummies 10ct
- CTK-062823-02 Sat A Vet Rebound Salve 2oz
- CTK-040723-01 Peach Mango Gummies 50mg
- CTK-060123-01 PCRX Sapphire Tincture 30ml
- CTK-051923-01 Pineapple CBD Gummies
- CTK-051923-02 Berry Punch CBD Gummies
- CTK-050223-04-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-050223-02 PCRX Silver Tincture 30ml
- CTK-050223-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-042623-01 EyeDentify Lavender Massage Oil 4oz
- 2203022 Roll Call CBD Roll On 1000mg
- CTK-012523-01 420 My Way Cherry Limeaid Gummies
- CTK-021023-07-SAV Sat A Vet Equine On-Point Tincture 60ml
- CTK-012323-01 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-011223-01 Colombian CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-010223-01 Sat A Vet Rebound Salve 2oz
- CTK-121522-03 Elite Gold Tincture
- CTK-121522-02-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-121522-01 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-121422-01 Clarity & Focus Capsules 30ct
- CTK-121322-01 420 My Way Green Apple Gummies
- PRIV-1726429-01 Bio Active Colloidal Copper
- CTK-011723-01 420 My Way Fruit Punch Gummies
- CTK-112822-04 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-112822-03-T PCRX Trial Gold Tincture 10ml
- CTK-112822-03 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-112822-02-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-112822-01-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-120622-01 420 My Way Goodnight Grape
- CTK-120622-02 420 My Way Tangerine Burst
- CTK-101022-02-T PCRX Trial Hemp Balm
- CTK-101022-02 PCRX Hemp Balm 2oz
- CTK-101022-04 PCRX Sapphire Tincture 30ml
- CTK-101022-01 PCRX Silver Tincture 30ml
- CTK-101022-03 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-101122-02 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-101222-03 60% BSHO Full Panel
- CTK-101222-02 EyeDentify Serum 15ml
- 2207045 Pro Releaf CBD Roll-on Gel
- CTK-091322-01-PR Pro Releaf Blue Raspberry Gummy 25mg
- CTK-091322-01-PR Pro Releaf Mango Gummy 25mg
- CTK-091322-01-PR Pro Releaf Pineapple Gummy 25mg
- CTK-091322-01-PR Pro Releaf Lemon Lime Gummy 25mg
- CTK-091322-01-PR Pro Releaf Fruit Punch Gummy 25mg
- CTK-112921-03 EyeDentify Lotion
- CTK-112921-04 EyeDentify Face Lotion
- CTK-112921-02 EyeDentify Face Wash
- CTK-112921-01 EyeDentify Eye Cream
- CTK-091322-01-T PCRX Ruby Full Spectrum Trial Tincture 10ml
- CTK-091322-01 PCRX Ruby Full Spectrum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-081222-02 BSHO Full Panel Testing
- CTK-061622-02-T PCRX Trial Hemp Balm
- CTK-081822-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-080822-02 BSHO Quarterly Full Panel Testing
- CTK-072022-02-AD Active Duty Elite Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-071822-03-T PCRX Trial Gold Tincture 10ml
- CTK-071822-03 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-071822-02-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-071822-01-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-061522-02-TR PCRX Platinum Trial Tincture 10ml
- CTK-062022-01-AW EyeDentify Serum 15ml
- CTK-061622-01 PCRX Hemp Balm 500mg 2oz
- CTK-061522-01 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-041922-01 PCRX Hemp Balm 2oz
- CTK-041922-02 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-041922-03 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-042022-01 EyeDentify Lavender Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-032322-01 60% BSHO Full Panel Testing
- CTK-031022-03 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-031022-02 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-031022-01 PCRX Silver Tincture 30ml
- CTK-012422-02 PCRX Hemp Balm 500mg 2oz
- CTK-010422-04 PCRX Trial Balm 500mg
- CTK-010422-03 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-010422-02 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml/CTK010422-02
- CTK-010422-01-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-121321-03-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-121321-02 PCRX Hemp Balm 500mg 2oz
- CTK-102721-01 EyeDentify Lavender Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-101821-03-SD Snickerdoodle CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-101821-04-FVC French Vanilla Creme CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-102721-02 EyeDentify Mentholated Muscle Rub 50ml
- CTK-100521-01 PCRX Hemp Balm 500mg
- 109002 PCRX Soft Gels 25mg 30ct
- 2109079 Active Duty RX Napalm
- CTK-100521-02-SAV Sat A Vet On-Point Equine Tincture 500mg 60ml
- CTK-090221-06 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-090221-03 PCRX Gold Trial Tincture 10ml
- CTK-090221-09 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-081721-01-CB Louddpax Colombian CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-090221-05 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-090221-02 PCRX Platinum Trial Tincture 10ml
- CTK-090221-04 PCRX Trial Sapphire Tincture 10ml
- CTK-090221-08 PCRX Sapphire Tincture 30ml
- CTK-090221-07 PCRX Ruby Tincture 30ml
- CTK-090221-12 Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-090221-11 PCRX Trial Hemp Balm
- CTK-090221-10 PCRX Hemp Balm 2oz
- CTK-090721-01 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-080221-01-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-080221-02-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-080221-03 PCRX Hemp Balm 2oz
- CTK-072321-04 PCR 1000mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Potency
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Terpenes
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Pesticides
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Heavy Metals
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Microbials
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Mycotoxins
- CTK-070821-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report-Residual Solvents
- CTK-072021-01 PCR 500mg Trial Tincture
- CTK-070221-01 PCRX Platinum Trial Tincture
- CTK-070221-02 PCRX Gold Trial Tincture
- CTK-070221-03 PCRX Sapphire Trial Tincture
- CTK-052721-01 PCRX Ruby Tincture 30ml
- CTK-052721-02 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-052721-03 PCRX Trial Hemp Balm
- CTK-052721-03 PCRX Hemp Balm 2oz
- CTK-052721-04-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-052721-05-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-052721-06 PCRX Silver Tincture 30ml
- CTK-052721-07 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-052721-08 PCRX Emerald 30ml
- CTK-052621-01 EyeDentify Serum
- CTK-052621-02 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil 4oz
- CTK-052021-01-CB Colombian CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-051221-01 Active Duty RX Napalm 1oz
- CTK-051121-01-SAV Sat A Vet On-Point Horse Tincture
- CTK-040521-10 PCRX Trial Hemp Balm
- CTK-040521-10 PCRX Hemp Balm
- CTK-050521-02 PCRX Silver Tincture 60ml
- CTK-050321-01 PCRX Ruby Tincture 60ml
- CTK-050421-03 PCR 250mg Trial Tincture
- CTK-050521-01 PCRX Gold Tincture 60ml
- CTK-050521-02 PCRX Silver Trial Tincture
- CTK-050521-03 EyeDentify Lavender Massage Oil
- CTK-042921-06-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-042921-05-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-042921-07 PCRX Emerald Tincture 60ml
- CTK-042921-01 PCR 250mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-042921-04 PCR 2500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-042921-03 PCR 1000mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-042921-02 PCR 500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-042121-03-FVC French Vanilla Creme CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-042121-02-SD Snickerdoodle CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-042021-01 EyeDentify Face Wash
- CTK-041921-01 EyeDentify Face Wash
- CTK-040521-09 60% BSHO Raw Oil Quarterly Testing-Full Panel
- CTK-120920-03 PCRX Silver Tincture 30ml
- CTK-120920-04 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-120920-05 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-121520-02 EyeDentify Face Wash
- CTK-121520-01 EyeDentify Face Lotion
- CTK-040521-04-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-040521-02 PCR 250mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-040521-08 PCRX Emerald Tincture 60ml
- CTK-040521-06 PCRX Silver Tincture 60ml
- CTK-040521-03 PCR 1000mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-040521-05-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-040521-01 500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-040521-07 PCRX Gold Tincture 60ml
- CTK-040521-01 PCR 500mg Trial Tincture
- CTK-040521-07 PCRX Gold Trial Tincture
- CTK-040521-03 PCR 1000mg Trial Tincture
- CTK-032921-CB Colombian CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-032921-FVC French Vanilla Creme CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-032921-SD Snickerdoodle CBD Coffee 8oz
- CTK-021221-05 PCRX Ruby Tincture 30ml
- CTK-031621-03-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-031621-02 PCR 2500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-031621-01 PCR 250mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-031621-05 PCRX Gold Trial Tincture
- CTK-031621-04 PCR 1000mg Trial Tincture
- CTK-031021-01 PCR 500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-031021-02-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-030421-04 EyeDentify Serum
- CTK-021221-03 PCRX Emerald Tincture 30ml
- CTK-021221-02 PCRX Gold Tincture 30ml
- CTK-021221-01 PCRX Silver Tincture 30ml
- CTK-021221-04 PCRX Platinum Tincture 30ml
- CTK-012921-03 PCR 2500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-012921-02 PCR 1000mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-012921-01 PCR 500mg Tincture 60ml
- CTK-020121-02 PCRX Silver Tincture 60ml
- CTK-020221-01 PCRX Ruby Tincture 60ml
- CTK-020121-03 PCRX Gold Tincture 60ml
- CTK-020121-04 PCRX Trial Balm
- CTK-012921-05-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 60ml
- CTK-012921-04-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 30ml
- CTK-010521-01 PCR 1000mg Trial Tincture
- CTK-011821-SD Snickerdoodle CBD Coffee
- CTK-011821-FV French Vanilla Cream CBD Coffee
- CTK-011821-CB Colombian CBD Coffee
- CTK-122820-01 PCR 250mg Tincture
- CTK-122820-02 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-122820-03-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-122820-03-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-122820-04 PCRX Silver Tincture
- CTK-122820-05 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-122920-01 PCRX Balm
- CTK-122920-01 PCRX Trial Balm
- CTK-122820-04 PCRX Silver Trial Tincture
- CTK-122820-05 PCRX Gold Trial Tincture
- CTK-122820-06 PCRX Emerald Trial Tincture
- CTK-122920-02 PCRX Ruby Tincture
- CTK-121520-01 EyeDentify Face Lotion
- CTK-120920-01 PCRX Sapphire Tincture
- CTK-010421-01 60% Raw Oil Quarterly Report
- CTK-112320-06 EyeDentify Lotion
- CTK-112320-05 Eye Dentify Eye Cream
- CTK-112320-04 Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-112320-04 Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-112320-03 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil
- CTK-112320-02 EyeDentify Lavender Massage Oil
- CTK-112320-01 PCR 250mg Tincture
- 802401 Active Duty RX Clarity & Focus Capsules 30ct Full Panel Testing
- CTK-062620-01-AD Active Duty RX Elite Tincture
- 61301 Active Duty Night Ops
- CTK-110520-03 PCRX Emerald Tincture Trial
- CTK-110520-02 PCRX Gold Tincture Trial
- CTK-110520-03 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CTK-110520-02 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-110520-01 PCRX Silver Tincture
- CTK-110620-01 PCRX Balm Trial
- CTK-110620-01 PCRX Balm
- CTK-090920-01 Active Duty RX Napalm
- CTK-100120-02 PCR 1000mg Tincture
- CTK-100120-01 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-100920-01 PCRX Balm
- CTK-100220-01 PCRX Gold Tincture trial size
- CTK-100220-02 PCRX Emerald Tincture trial size
- CTK-050820-02 PCRX Silver Tincture trial size
- CTK-100220-01 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-100120-01 PCR 500mg Tincture trial size
- CTK-100220-02 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CTK-090820-02 PCRX Ruby Tincture
- CTK-090820-02 PCRX Ruby Tincture trial size
- CTK-051320-02 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CTK-090420-02 PCR 2500mg Tincture
- CTK-090420-03-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-090820-01 PCRX Hemp Balm
- CTK-070820-01 PCRX Silver Tincture
- CTK-090420-01 PCR 250mg Tincture
- CTK-021119 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-051220-01 PCR 1000mg Tincture
- CTK-080420-01-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-080320-02 PCRX Trial Emerald Tincture
- CTK-080320-02 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CTK-080520-01 PCRX Trial Balm
- CTK-080320-01 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-073120-02 PCR 1000mg Tincture
- CTK-073120-01 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-072120-01-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 250mg
- CTK-043020-01-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 500mg
- SBD-051619-1 SatAVet Hard Treat
- CTK-070920-01 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-070820-02 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-073120-01 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-072120-01-SAV Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture 250mg
- CTK-043020-01-SAV Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture 500mg
- SBD-051619-1 SatAVet Hard Treat
- CTK-070920-01 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-070820-02 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-071020-01 PCRX Balm
- CTK-071720-01 PCRX Gold Tincture Trial
- CTK-042320-01 Quarterly Raw Oil Full Panel
- CTK-070620-01 Raw Oil 60% Quarterly Full Panel Report
- CTK-051220-02 PCRX Silver Tincture
- CTK-061220-01 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil
- CTK-060220-03 PCR 1000mg Tincture
- CTK-060220-01 PCR 250mg Tincture
- CTK-060220-02 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-060320-01 Sat A Vet Small Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-060320-04 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CTK-060320-02 Sat A Vet Large Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-060420-01 PCRX Balm
- CTK-050820-01 PCRX Balm
- CTK-050720-02 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-050720-01 PCR 250mg Tincture
- CTK-021020-01 60% Raw Oil Full Panel
- CTK-121418-01 EyeDentify Face Wash-Raw Oil
- CTK-121418-01 EyeDentify Face Wash
- CTK-121718-01 EyeDentify Face Lotion-Raw Oil
- CTK-121718-01 EyeDentify Face Lotion
- CTK-102418-01 EyeDentify Eye Cream-Raw Oil
- CTK-102418-01 EyeDentify Eye Cream
- CTK-120919-01 PCRX Ruby Tincture
- CTK-061419-01 PCR 1000mg Tincture
- CTK-020720-01 SatAVet Large Breed Pet Tincture
- CTK-082119-01 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-071719-01 PCRX Silver Tincture
- CTK-100918-01-37 SatAVet Large Pet Tincture
- CTK-120618-1 SatAVet Large Pet Tincture
- CTK-092518-01-38 SatAVet Soft Chews Parmesan
- CTK-072318-01-39 SatAVet Soft Chews Parmesan
- CTK-092518-01-38 SatAVet Soft Chews Peanut Butter
- CTK-072318-01-39 SatAVet Soft Chews Peanut Butter
- CTK-080618-01-36 SatAVet Small Pet Tincture
- CTK-120618-1 SatAVet Small Pet Tincture
- Lot 1 SatAVet Horse Pellets-older
- CTK-020619 SatAVet Large Pet Tincture
- CTK-020619 SatAVet Small Pet Tincture
- CTK-041019 SatAVet Small Pet Tincture
- CTK-052219 SatAVet Small Pet Tincture
- CTK-11018 PCR 250mg Tincture
- CTK-110518 PCR 500mg Tincture
- CTK-110818 PCR 1500mg Tincture
- CTK-110918 PCR 2500mg Tincture
- CTK020119 PCR 1000mg Tincture
- CTK-031119 PCR 1500mg Tincture
- CTK-062419-01 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK111218 PCRX Balm
- CTK-112318-1 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CAN-SG-03318-RX11 PCRX Silver Capsules
- CTK111218 PCRX Balm
- CTK-031819 PCRX Balm
- CTK041119-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture
- CTK-021119 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK-032519 PCRX Silver Tincture
- CTK-121118-01 EyeDentify Lavender Massage Oil
- CTK-121118-02 EyeDentify Peppermint Massage Oil
- CTK120418 EyeDentify Serum
- CTK-081419 EyeDentify Lotion
- CTK-MT-10054 Active Duty Clarity and Focus
- CTK-MT-119014 Active Duty Clarity and Focus
- CTK-011119 Active Duty Elite Tincture
- CTK-011719 Active Duty First Line Tincture
- CTK-011719 Active Duty Battle Blam
- SA2019-15244 Hempyre Farms Cherry Bomb Pre Rolls
- SA2019-17800 Hempyre Farm Crown Jewel Flower
- SA2019-17526 Hempyre Farms Trop-A-Canna Pre Rolls
- CTK-103118 PCRX Gold Tincture
- CTK040419-02 Sat-A-Vet Rebound Salve
- CTK040219-01 Sat-A-Vet Equissage
- CM-041119-1LL-WS CannaMelts Woodstock
- CM-041119-1LL-WS CannaMelts Let's Party
- CM-041119-1LL-WS CannaMelts Lavender Lull
- CM-041119-1LL-WS CannaMelts Housewife Haven
- CM-041119-1LL-WS CannaMelts Field of Dreams
- SBD-051619-1 Sat-A-Vet Pet Treats
- CTK-090419-01 Sat-A-Vet Small Breed Tincture Oil
- CTK-090319-01 Sat-A-Vet Large Breed Tincture Oil
- CTK-101719-HP-02 Sat-A-Vet Equine On Point
- CTK-050219 Rose Buds Bug Spray
- CTK031219 PCX 2500mg Tincture Oil
- CTK-2-070618 PCX 1500mg Tincture Oil
- CTK110618 PCX 1000mg Tincture Oil
- CTK041019-01 PCX 500mg Tincture Oil
- CTK-061919-01 PCX 250mg Tincture Oil
- CTK-061719-01 PCRX Hemp Balm
- CTK-103018 PCRX Silver Tincture Oil
- CTK-051719-01 PCRX Emerald Tincture Oil
- MHL-SG-071018-1 PCRX Silver Caplets
- CAN-SG-03318-RX12 PCRX Gold Caplets Potency
- CTK-091319-01 Censored Waterless Cleanser
- CTK-092019-01 Censored Studio Salve
- CTK-091918-01 BioMax Phyto Patch
- CTK-121418-01 BioMax Phyto Gel
- CTK-8353-121918 BioMax Phyto Chews
- CTK-MT-10038 Active Duty RX Clarity and Focus
- CTK-11062019-01 EyeDentify Serum
- CTK120518 EyeDentify Sea Salt Scrub
- CTK041519-02 EyeDentify Massage Oil Peppermint
- CTK041519-01 EyeDentify Massage Oil Lavender
- CTK-18-0816-3 EyeDentify Lotion
- 2018000884 EyeDentify Lip Balm
- CTK-MT-10038 Active Duty RX Clarity and Focus